03 March 2025

HESA Data Fields

Refer to the following sections for information about the fields featured on HESA tabs:

The fields on the GO Population Data tab are described in the following table.

This field Contains this information...
(select) Whether the row is selected.

Whether the row is matched, unmatched or unprocessed.

Matches are performed based on the criteria chosen in Match Settings.

No. of Matches

The amount of records matched.

Matches are performed based on the criteria chosen in Match Settings.

Funding Year The funding year that the record is associated with.
HUSID The HESA Unique Student Identifier (HUSID). Refer to the HESA website for further information about the HUSID field.
SURNAME The learner's surname. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the SURNAME field.
FNAMES The learner's forename and middle names. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the FNAMES field.
OWNSTU The provider's identification for the learner. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the OWNSTU field.
CTITLE The course title.
COURSEID The course identifier.
OWNCOURSEID Own course identifier.

The mode of study for the qualification.

  • Full-time
  • Part-time
  • FE continuous delivery
  • FE learners in England
  • Not applicable
QUAL1 The qualification awarded.

The qualification awarded.

This field will be blank if only one qualification exists.

XOBTNG01 The highest qualification obtained by the learner.
XGLEV301 The level of qualification in Graduate Outcome - 3 way split.
HOMEEUOS The learner's Home/Other EU/Other Overseas status.
TTCID The teacher training course.
RCSTDNT Whether the learner is a Research Council student.
NUMHUS The learner's instance identifier.
CENSUS The quarterly survey period. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the CENSUS field.
OWNINST Institution's own instance identifier.
DORMANT Whether the learner is considered active or inactive.
XGLEV501 The learner's level of qualification.
XJACSLEV101_1 - 3 The HESA Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) code. Refer to the HESA website for further information about JACS codes.
XJACSLEV201_1 - 3 The HESA JACS code. Refer to the HESA website for further information about JACS codes.
XJACSLEV301_1 - 3 The HESA JACS code. Refer to the HESA website for further information about JACS codes.
XDOM01 The learner's domicile.
NATION The learner's nationality.