HESA Data Fields
Refer to the following sections for information about the fields featured on HESA tabs:
The fields on the GO Population Data tab are described in the following table.
This field | Contains this information... |
(select) | Whether the row is selected. |
Matched |
Whether the row is matched, unmatched or unprocessed. Matches are performed based on the criteria chosen in Match Settings. |
No. of Matches |
The amount of records matched. Matches are performed based on the criteria chosen in Match Settings. |
Funding Year | The funding year that the record is associated with. |
HUSID | The HESA Unique Student Identifier (HUSID). Refer to the HESA website for further information about the HUSID field. |
SURNAME | The learner's surname. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the SURNAME field. |
FNAMES | The learner's forename and middle names. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the FNAMES field. |
OWNSTU | The provider's identification for the learner. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the OWNSTU field. |
CTITLE | The course title. |
COURSEID | The course identifier. |
OWNCOURSEID | Own course identifier. |
The mode of study for the qualification.
QUAL1 | The qualification awarded. |
The qualification awarded. This field will be blank if only one qualification exists. |
XOBTNG01 | The highest qualification obtained by the learner. |
XGLEV301 | The level of qualification in Graduate Outcome - 3 way split. |
HOMEEUOS | The learner's Home/Other EU/Other Overseas status. |
TTCID | The teacher training course. |
RCSTDNT | Whether the learner is a Research Council student. |
NUMHUS | The learner's instance identifier. |
CENSUS | The quarterly survey period. Refer to the HESA website for further information about the CENSUS field. |
OWNINST | Institution's own instance identifier. |
DORMANT | Whether the learner is considered active or inactive. |
XGLEV501 | The learner's level of qualification. |
XJACSLEV101_1 - 3 | The HESA Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) code. Refer to the HESA website for further information about JACS codes. |
XJACSLEV201_1 - 3 | The HESA JACS code. Refer to the HESA website for further information about JACS codes. |
XJACSLEV301_1 - 3 | The HESA JACS code. Refer to the HESA website for further information about JACS codes. |
XDOM01 | The learner's domicile. |
NATION | The learner's nationality. |